Friday, 5 February 2010

Some great films..

A random list of films i like, i'm bored and its a friday night, with no good films on so i thought i'd remember the greats.
Oh and they aren't in any order, just order of me thinking them up :)

The secretary!
The accused
Rita, Sue and Bob too

Back to the future X how ever many of them there were..
Dirty Dancing
Finding Nemo
All ever bond films [ although i'm not a daniel craig fan ] is that even his name?
L.O.T.R - if you don't understand that then go.. just go.
Toy stories!

Scaries, or kind of scary ones..
Scream, obviously
13 ghosts New and old, although the old one was better in my op.
Halloween! I like the tension, the director of that was fab.
Jaws! :O One of the first films that i was allowed to watch that was catagorised as a horror and i fell in love with it, steven spielberg is a god.
Psycho- Classic.
The saw collection - even though they did make me feel a bit iffy [ no other horr has ever done that.
Hostel&+ Hostel 2 [ two was worse, but kind of comical ]


Scary Movies. Leslie Nielsen Loove him
The Truman Show- Although it scares and sickens me.. its so smart
Dumb and dumber
dumb and dumberer-When harry met floyd
40 year old virgin
Tropic Thunder
Police academy
Epic movie, superhero movie, not another teen movie, disaster movie, date movie...blah.. blah ..blah.

Maid in Manhattan
How to lose a guy in 10 days
13 goin on 30
Love actually
Twighlight, i never thought i'd say this.. but it truely is the greatest low budget films ever, and i'm so amazed that i was alive whilst this was being put in motion.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Photoshop magic: Makeup and skin Normal people

Again i won't go into what i've done but if you want help with your photoshop skills just ask me, i'll answer all questions you have xx

For both of these eye i have used the burn tool to create a smokey looking eye.

The above is a well known image of a really ugly girl i edited it in 2004 without photoshop, i just used paint and some cropping :)

Dove did a campaign against photoshoping where they showed a woman before makeup and before the photoshop, i took a picture before her makeup to show what she could like like with JUST photoshop.. x

Random girl.. i like this pic..

Monday, 1 February 2010

Photoshop magic: My own pictures

Me i edited it so i have bigger eyes, brighter.. :) you know the usual.

This one i just edited my flaws out abit..

My eye i edited it, lashes colour, whiter eyeball darker eyeliner/brows

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Photoshop magic: cartoon pictures edits.

Extreme skinnies? -Rant.

So, she's thin.. she hasn't eaten since she was 9 and she poops out juice like substances.Its not right! yes she's goodlooking but you can see her bones, she only needs to put on a few pouneds and she'd be beautiful.
I just feel this craze to be unhealthily skinny should stop, we were made chubby, thats healthy you don't see a baby comming out stick thin so why non-eat yourself to death..Theres no need a curvy woman is much more sexy then a thin one.You get spots fatigue bad breath your undatable you have no colour in your skin, why would you want that?

Besides who said being a 30 AA was attractive i'm a 34 G so i have a waist but i have big hooters to go with it, and i can eat when and as much as i like.. i love my body and curves and all young women and girls should too.Any man would be crazy to think that size zero is attractive and if they do then they don't deserve to have a woman anyway, he'd brake you.

Theres nothing in the picture! [ i hear you cry ] but if you squint alot and try and see.. theres actually a very un attractive model.Yeah, see her now? I just think magazines are making people think that this is a good look, and its not...

Nowthese are women that i want to see on the front cover of magazines, on bilboards and on tv, REAL women who give girls real ideas on diets and just being you, being happy with yourself. These women, make girls like me happy with the way i am.

Photoshop magic: Fat V Thin

if you click this you can see it fullsize x

Fat V thin

Winner of miss england.This isn't really a good example of the thinner girls i've done but it was a quick job.I've lightened the picture made the water a touch more blue, changed her legs feet breasts stomach, b.button arms and darkend her hair a touch.

Okay i litteraly just found the liqify tool so that was my first attempt.
