Sunday, 31 January 2010

Photoshop magic: Fat V Thin

if you click this you can see it fullsize x

Fat V thin

Winner of miss england.This isn't really a good example of the thinner girls i've done but it was a quick job.I've lightened the picture made the water a touch more blue, changed her legs feet breasts stomach, b.button arms and darkend her hair a touch.

Okay i litteraly just found the liqify tool so that was my first attempt.



  1. photo shopping is discussing and creates eating disorders, it makes every day women feel as though they have to measure up to these seemingly perfect images of a false perfection.

  2. Saying larger women are perfect is just as bad as saying smaller woman are.
    There should be no idealisms, just let women do what they want to do with their bodies.
    What about naturally skinny girls? Should they be made to feel bad because they can't put on weight to feel accepted by a judging society? Should bigger girls really feel so amazing about themselves that they put on more weight and become critically obese? There's a lot to think about and photoshop doesn't help.

  3. There are no sides. Most women are in between thin and overweight, and I think that it is within this range that fashion magazines, commercials, ads, etc. should target, because that is what most women look like. No woman is better than any other. Stop bashing thin women, and stop bashing bigger women. :earn to love people for who they are. When you can pass that message onto your children, they can pass it onto theirs. People disgust me.
